Check out ZERO SPACE COLLECTIVE’S founding members’ story
February 23, 2023
“Today we’d like to introduce you to Zero Space Collective Founding Members. Them and their team share their story with us below.”
April 20, 2022
“’What is America like?’ is a huge question, but when a global event like Covid-19 happens, your world becomes much smaller. In a nutshell, “America Unraveling” is a visual narrative through the events surrounding the first year of the pandemic,” stated Brooke Day, curator of “America Unraveling.”
“AMERICA UNRAVELING” on exhibit at tipton gallery
April 11, 2022
The East Tennessee State University Department of Art & Design and Slocumb Galleries present “America Unraveling” from April 11 to May 6 at the Tipton Gallery in downtown Johnson City, Tennessee.